As a Member, you will pay for The Funeral of Your Choice in advance and when the time comes we will carry out your wish as planned by yourself. We have a wide range of very affordable Plans to suit all wishes and budgets ... please, feel free to call and ... talk to us!
You are unique and so is your desire for a decent send-off ... together, we'll make it happen!
"When only home will do!"
Homage International Repatriation Funeral Plan (UK) Limited | 3 Mimosa Court, Humberside
Registered in England and Wales (Company # 06319530) DN16 3FT, UNITED KINGDOM
Kumusha Ekhaya Kunyumba Home Kwahae Kumunzi |
For all enquiries e-mail us at ...
Text/SMS: +447841 620581
Mobile: +44 7 90 90 90 2 98 |